A severity level 16 table error message occurs, while trying to open a MS SQL table, when the database table gets badly corrupted. Few causes of severe corruption of a SQL table are improper system/server shutdown, virus infection, metadata structure damage, and human mistakes. The database table records become inaccessible when a database user encounters error message with so much severity. An easy way to access table records post the above error message, is by restoring data from an updated backup. However, if the backup file is unobtainable or deficient, then a user can use DBCC CHECKDB command to repair the table. But, running this command might lead to loss of records saved in the table. To prevent any loss of records, a database user needs to repair his/her table using a third-party SQL Recovery application.
The above situation can be explained better by following severity level 16 error message:
“Table error: Object ID O_ID, index ID I_ID, page P_ID. Test (TEST) failed. Slot S_ID, offset 0xADDRESS is invalid.”
This error message flashes on your screen when you try to open a MS SQL Server table. After the error message pops up, the table can not be opened. The records saved in the table become inaccessible.
The above error message appears when table is corrupt, either through logical crash or physical damage.
To get rid of the above severity level 16 error message, you need to identify the cause of corruption. To do so follow the below mentioned steps:
You should review the Server, system, and application logs. In case you find any entry related to a particular damaged hardware component, you should change that system component.
To analyze logical failure, you can run DBCC CHECKDB command without a repair clause. This helps you to identify the exact level of corruption. After doing so, run the same command with an applicable repair clause.
In case logical corruption persists, you should opt for a commercial SQL Database Recovery software. A SQL Repair application repairs logically damaged databases without harming the original database.
SQL Recovery repairs logically corrupt MS SQL Server 2008, 20005, and 2000 databases in a few mouse clicks. The advanced scanning methods used by the software ensure maximum repair of almost all database objects. The read only SQL Repair utility is designed for Windows 7, Vista, 2008, XP, 2003, and 2000.
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